Juxtapose’s Newest CEO: Chris Johnson

Healthcare has always been central to where Juxtapose loves to build and invest - from our very first company Care/of to the newest pre-greenlight concepts making their way through our funnel today. One of the best parts of this deep industry focus over the years has been all the incredible leaders we’ve gotten to meet in the healthcare space. Last month, we held our first Juxtapose Alliance Healthcare event, where we gathered over 30 healthcare executives for exclusive conversations and networking opportunities in New York City. As part of this event, we highlighted one of our newest, soon-to-be-announced companies and got to introduce experienced healthcare operator Chris Johnson as our newest CEO. Today, we’re thrilled to be able to share the news more broadly!

We are partnering with Chris - an accomplished healthcare founder and executive - to build and lead our newest value-based primary care business, Bluebird Kids Health. Chris’s depth of experience bringing modern technology and value-based care innovation to clinical organizations immediately impressed us. We knew his deep experience building and scaling modern healthcare delivery infrastructure for vulnerable populations would be a tremendous asset. 

Most recently, Chris served as CEO of Landmark Health. He originally joined Landmark as VP and GM responsible for launching the New England Market, and then led corporate strategy and corporate development helping to drive Landmark’s acquisition by Optum in 2021. Following the acquisition, Chris became CEO of Landmark overseeing the organization’s expansion from 12 to 38 states, quadrupling patients under management, and integrating into Optum as the cornerstone of Optum’s national in-home medical care strategy. Chris’s leadership at Landmark represents the perfect precedent experience accomplishing what we aspire to do in our healthcare businesses: deliver exceptional care for patients, save the system money, help providers do their most meaningful work, and build a big impactful business. 

Before Landmark, Chris co-founded Predilytics, an early healthcare big data and predictive analytics company focused on enabling payors and providers to leverage data to enable value-based care. Prior to Predilytics, Chris was an early employee of patient access leader Kyruus. Chris started his career as a strategy consultant at Innosight, where he was first exposed to the healthcare industry working under Clay Christensen.

Juxtapose is partnering with Chris to bring healthcare services to underserved markets left behind by today’s healthcare system. Bluebird Kids Health will transform pediatric primary care for low-income, vulnerable populations through the combination of high-quality primary care practice operations, a modern operating footprint, and value-based contracting. This value-based contracting model will help the company deliver high quality care to all, regardless of income level or payer status, and deliver these healthcare outcomes while simultaneously delighting providers and the surrounding community.

We look forward to sharing more about Bluebird Kids Health in the coming weeks. In the meantime, welcome to the Juxtapose family, Chris!

To learn more about Chris and stay up to date on our newest companies, visit